Filtering out the noise and focusing on what is most important and impactful is complicated, and if not done thoughtfully, can inform misguided business decisions. Our insights simplify the complex and drive focus on the most relevant strategic and operational factors.
As providers embrace data-driven results and are measured on their performance, patients will receive more appropriate interventions. Condition-specific reimbursements, including...
New entrants (i.e., Mark Cuban Cost Plus Drugs), plus innovative models from disruptors (i.e., Amazon RxPass) will push continued reform...
Due to increased regulations for hospitals and Rx, there is an unprecedented level of availability of data around healthcare prices....
Digitally savvy consumers have higher expectations of their healthcare experience and and will demand higher quality, convenient, personalized care. Consumerism...
As new solutions emerge, purchasers and individual healthcare consumers are given new choices in how they access and experience care....
The emergence of shared risk contracts between employers and providers to achieve short and long-term cost reduction combined with data...
As employers fight for industry transformation, coalitions are taking a more progressive role in shaping the future. National groups like...
According to the Business Group on Health, the overall trajectory of employer negotiations is driving toward more direct contracting with...
The looming recession, new competitive entrants, and continued financial constraints will increase M&A activity across the provider landscape, hospital bankruptcies,...
As a result of the economic downturn, employers and providers will implement cost cutting strategies. Employers will look to reduce...
While consumer demand for proactive, personalized care is high, household discretionary spending on healthcare will slow. Organizations will need to...
The influx of private equity funding has led to an overwhelming number of point solutions built to solve the same...